A Second Life blog showcasing femboy, androgynous, metrosexual, and other male fashion (with the occasional female fashion included, just for fun)
Dare To Believe
Head: Cyclops Head - Caesar by *NAM*
Skin - Body: Mystic Mod by Murder of Ravens
Eyes: Gaia Eyes 10 Pack - Grey by Visual Magick
Hair: Eggy - White by LCKY and Garnet Fantasy Hair - White by Aii(Please note that I messed around with both hairs to get it to look like that)
Dress: Lolita Babydoll Dress by Audax Inc Accessories:
Necklaces: Blue Melty Moon Necklace and Raining Cupcakes Necklace by Sweet Thing(Gacha@Mainstore)
Circlet: {Tsuki} 06 Circlet - Lilac by Cubic Cherry Kre-ations(Gacha)
Butterfly Wings: {Tsuki} 02 Wings - Silver RARE by Cubic Cherry Kre-ations (Gacha)
Small Wings: {Aerial} 16 Wings - Silver RARE by Cubic Cherry Kre-ations (Gacha)
Yellow Flying Stars: {Aerial} 09 Rotating Stars - Yellow by Cubic Cherry Kre-ations (Gacha) Landscape:
Floating Island: {Aerial} 01 Angel's Nest ULTRA RARE by Cubic Cherry Kre-ations (Gacha)
Floating Tree: {Aerial} 02 Floating Tree ULTRA RARE by Cubic Cherry Kre-ations (Gacha)
Pink Bubble Stars: {Aerial} 04 Stars In The Bubble Group - Pink byCubic Cherry Kre-ations (Gacha)
Sand Jar: {I Believe} Hunt Gift by Cubic Cherry Kre-ations
Little Fall Jars: {Bottled Fall} 10 Collection A RARE and 11 Collection B RARE Cubic Cherry Kre-ations
Well, my name is Skyler. I'm 24, and pretty average. I love Second Life and the fact that you can go to any world you want to on it. I'm pretty shy and awkward, so I don't always know what to say.